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A feature film production in Turkey

Copyright Registered with the Writers Guild of America-West

WGA –West Registration Number : 1662573

Genre & Concepts: This is a family entertainment film with important messages and symbolisms, highlighting the different conceptions of “family” in the West and in Turkey: The difference between the materialistic West and the more humanistic East. It is a drama of conflicting emotions and deep-rooted feelings. Murat’s head is English but his heart is Turkish and his decision to return to find his roots amplifies the differences which had made him uncomfortable despite his material successes. His desperate need for “family”, in the broader oriental sense, drives him to return to his roots. Murat wants to find himself (rediscover himself).

The message in the story is simple; The Western materialistic attitudes and erosion of family values in the West could easily encroach on the Turkish way of life due to the fast economic growth and advances being achieved by the nation, unless an effort is made to fortify the spiritual value cultures of the Turkish people.





Story Background

Murat is a handsome Turkish European man (early 40s) who was raised since childhood in England. He immigrated with his parents while still a child (4 years old) and became totally Europeanized in all manners of attitude and idealism. His parents die while he is still at school and he loses all connections to his one remaining aunt in a small village near Eskisehir. He is adopted by a middle class British family and goes on to finish university and become a successful manager in the financial district of London.

Murat marries an English woman (Lucy Fitzgerald) who is like him, a very successful business lady in the financial sector of London and they both build a good fortune with their successes. His marriage to a materialistic and mercantile European woman is however, unsatisfactory. The woman is not anxious to have children at first, because it would interfere with her work, but eventually, with Murat’s insistence, they have a boy (Robert). They live in a rich neighborhood in the outskirts of London. Lucy interprets the love and devotion Murat pours over their son as a result of his own predicament of having lost his parents at an early age. She does not know the nature of the Eastern/Oriental peoples’ devotion, especially the Turkish attitude of dedication to their children. For Lucy, it is not an English attitude. She hires a Nanny to look after Robert and spends very little time with him. Lucy’s family are scattered in the UK but they do not see each other except on rare occasions. She makes no effort at all to create family ties and is always immersed in her own egocentric ambitions and desires; shopping for clothes, attending the Gym and paying for expensive dietary plans. But she is above all dedicated to making more and more money.

Murat wants a family and this drives him to want more children but he is totally unsuccessful in convincing his businesswoman wife Lucy. This creates a serious friction and discontent in his marriage.  But when Murat accidentally discovers that his wife has a double life, seeing another man behind his back, he is devastated. She asks for forgiveness but he cannot do it. His Turkish pride, inherited genetically, does not allow him. Murat begins considering a separation from his wife but the responsibility for his son Robert prevents him from taking any immediate action.

Murat decides to visit his birthplace, a village near Eskisehir in Turkey, to search for his own roots and to expose his son Robert to his Turkish background before he enters the boarding school. He also wants to find direction in his totally materialistic existence in England. He was born a Muslim but is unaware of what that means.  His wife is often ashamed to mention that Murat is a Muslim to avoid being categorized as a fundamentalist. Recent Muslim terrorist activities have alienated the Muslim community in one of the most tolerant societies in Europe. He tells his wife that he needs to get away to think about their predicament and wants to take Robert with him to Turkey for the summer.

Lucy, his wife, has no interest to travel to Turkey and therefore allows Aslan to take the boy back with him during the summer vacations. This suits her own plans to be free from any obligations during the summer months.

The film story begins with the arrival of Murat and his son Robert in Turkey. The background story outlined above is told intermittently with flashbacks.


A successful Turkish/European man (mid 40s) experiencing a marital crisis, travels back to his small village in Turkey to rediscover the meaning of “family” in the Turkish society. The village is his childhood hometown, which he vaguely remembers. He has brought his young English son (Robert 5years old) back with him to search for his roots and to help him find a new direction in life. Both his parents are dead and he only has an old aunt who still lives in the village.

His European upbringing and education had distanced him from his roots and Islamic values and he finds a need to rediscover these roots and to expose them to his young boy. He was born a Muslim but has no idea what that means. All he experienced are the negative responses of the English community to Islam due to the terrorist acts undertaken by some Muslim extremists. But deep in his heart he feels that Islam is not about violence and he needs to find some answers. And this is also part of his general dissatisfaction.

His marriage to a materialistic European woman who betrayed him with another man has ended in total dissatisfaction and he is considering divorce. But before he makes such a serious decision he needs to reflect on his options and the future of his boy.



Türkiye için yazılmış uzun metrajlı sinema filmi.

Muhittin Kandur

Copyright Registered with the Writers Guild of America-West

WGA –West Registration Number : 1662573

Tür & kavramlar:

Bu hikaye, batıda ve Türkiye'de 'aile' kavramı üzerine farklı bakış açılarına dikkat çeken, önemli mesaj ve simgeler içeren bir aile filmi olarak tasarlanmıştır: Materyalist 'batı' ile insancıl 'doğu' arasındaki farkı anlatır.

Bu eser, karmakarışık ve derinlere kök salmış duyguların çatışmasıdır.Ana karakter Murat, Türk kalbine ve aynı zamanda İngiliz aklına sahiptir ve köklerini bulma çabasıyla ülkesine dönüş kararı, iş hayatındaki başarılarına rağmen onu rahatsız eden farklılıkları gözler önüne serer. Umutsuzca bir 'aile' beklentisi, daha derin bir'oryantal algısıyla onu özüne geri dönmeye zorlar. Murat kendisini yeniden bulmaya çalışmaktadır.

Hikayedeki mesaj açıktır: Batıdaki materyalist tutumlar ve aile değerlerinin sarsılması, hızlı ekonomik büyüme ve toplumdaki gelişmeye bağlı olarak Türk yaşam biçimine de kolayca zarar verebilmektedir.


Hikayenin arka planı:


Murat, İngiltere'de büyümüş kırklı yaşların başında Türk asıllı yakışıklı bir Avrupalı'dır. 4 yaşındayken ailesi ile birlikte İngiltere'ye göç etmiş, davranış ya da değer yargıları bakımından her anlamda tam bir Avrupalı gibidir. Murat, henüz okul çağındayken anne ve babasını kaybeder ve Eskişehir dolaylarında bir köyde yaşayan hayattaki tek yakını- teyzesiyle de böylece tüm bağlantısı kaybolur. Orta sınıf bir ingiliz aile tarafından evlat edinilir ve üniversite okuyup Londra'nın finans merkezinde başarılı bir yönetici olur.


Murat, Lucy Fitzgerald adında tıpkı kendi gibi başarılı bir ingiliz iş kadını ile evlenir. Başarıları sayesinde kısa sürede iyi bir mal varlığının sahibi olurlar. Ancak Murat'in materyalist- maddiyatçı Avrupalı eşiyle evliliği çok da memnun edici değildir. Başlangıçta, karısı hiç de çocuk sahibi olma meraklısı değildir. Çünkü bu durum, kariyerini olumsuz etkileyecektir. Fakat sonunda, Murat' in ısrarıyla Robert adında bir oğulları olur. Londra'nın dışında zengin bir çevrede yaşamaktadırlar. Lucy; Murat'in oğluna olan aşırı sevgi ve bağlılığını küçük yaşta ailesini kaybetmenin verdiği boşluk duygusuna yormaktadır. Doğu insanın, özellikle Türk insanın çocuklara olan düşkünlüğünün farkında bile değildir. Çünkü, ingiliz yaşam biçimi böyle değildir. Lucy, Robert'a bakması için bir dadı tutar ve çocuğuyla çok az zaman geçirir. Lucy'nin ailesi İngilter'nin çeşitli yerlerine dağılmış durumdadır ve nadir toplanmalar dışında birbirleriyle görüşmemektedirler. Kendisi de aile bağlarını güçlendirmek için hiç bir çaba göstermemekte ve alışveriş, lüks spor salonlarına gitmek, diyet programlarına ciddi paralar vermek gibi kişisel hırsları ve arzularında boğulmuş durumdadır. Fakat bunların hepsinin üstünde, Lucy daha da fazla para kazanmanın derdindedir.